Michael Valoppi
Holistic Energetic, Spiritual Alignment Guide, Wedding Officiant, Facilitator of Crystal & Sound Attunement, Chakra Grid Alignment, Breath-Work, and Workshops, Certified Group Drum Circles Facilitator
Michael brings a lifetime of involvement in personal healing work to Blue Feather Healing and Adolescent Growth Center. He has over 25 years as a student, guide and facilitator of personal growth workshops, classes, and individual sessions for clients.
In his travels, living all over the country, Michael has an ability to connect with people from all walks of life, and bring peace and harmony to discord and chaos His intuitive empathic approach to each person he encounters has allowed him to assist others on their own healing path.
Additionally, the rhythmic beats of drum circles hold a special place in Michael's heart, and as a drum circle facilitator he uses the power of collective music to inspire unity and well-being. With gentle compassion and an open heart, he guides individuals toward healing their emotional wounds and embracing self-love.
Michael is also a Spiritual Alignment Guide and Minister, delving into the universal truths that run through all major religious traditions. With his gifts of love and compassion without judgement, Michael has the ability to walk with others along their path to self acceptance, self resilience and the unfolding of the truth of how beautiful and powerful they truly are.

Victoria Valoppi, M.S.
Psycho-Social Education Director and Lead Instructor, Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Certified
Group Drum Circles Facilitator, and Holistic Energetic and Crystal Attunement
Victoria is an extraordinary soul with a profound journey of wisdom and transformation. She holds a Master of Science in Psychology with an emphasis on community, and also holds a degree in business administration. Along with her academic education, Victoria has over 15 years of experience reading Tarot cards, which has elevated her intuitive gifts, bringing profound insights and spiritual guidance.
Victoria also trained as an Astrologer, learning from a psychotherapeutic perspective. Victoria's passion for Astrology remains a constant source of inspiration, as she continues to explore the cosmic dance of planets and stars. Her ability to weave astrological insights into her Tarot readings creates a tapestry of wisdom that transcends traditional divination methods, providing her clients with a comprehensive understanding of their life's journey. Victoria's knowledge allows her to approach Astrology and Tarot with a unique blend of psychological depth and spiritual understanding, fostering a holistic approach to personal growth. Her dedication to understanding the human psyche will be a lifelong learning process. Her clients not only receive guidance but also experience a deep soul connection that resonates with them long after the reading.
Victoria's intuitive gifts have blossomed, and her ability to touch the hearts and souls of those she encounters continues to grow. Her presence in the world as an energetic alternative healer, tarot and astrology reader, and drum circle facilitator has become a beacon of light, inspiring countless individuals to embrace their true authentic selves and find meaning and purpose in their lives.
Tara O’Sullivan Dye, M.A.
Holistic Wellness Provider
Sound Healing
Hello, I’m Tara. My background is working as a Licensed Professional Counselor. From crisis services to private practice, I’ve had the privilege of helping others in their most vulnerable moments. After nearly a decade in the industry I felt compelled to shift my approach with clients. As a holistic wellness provider, I blend clinical knowledge with wisdom from Eastern philosophies and Spirituality.
I believe we are souls having a human experience.
Connecting to our higher Self, or Soul, enables us to rewire our body and mind as needed. My wellness sessions with clients focus on body, mind, and Spirit.
We learn how energy is embodied within our nervous system, which creates patterns of thoughts and emotions. At times we can be stuck in lower frequency energy patterns such as anxiety, grief, or depression, etc.
I create a safe space to heal triggers for energy patterns that are no longer helpful. We rewrite subconscious beliefs to promote higher energy expressions such as gratitude and joy. Throughout this process we explore the higher Self as a foundation for creating new conscious beliefs. Ultimately clients are empowered to heal themselves by connecting to their higher Self.
During my time as a clinical therapist I sought more coping skills to share with clients. I was taken back by how effective sound healing is in calming the body and mind. This eventually led to a stronger connection to my higher Self, higher power, and intuition. I’m honored to provide this service for others as an aid in the healing process.
Sessions are available in person or zoom:

Yoga Alliance- E-RYT® 200, RYT® 500
Yoga Unify -QP4
KRI Certified
EK 4 Teacher/Lifetime Achievement Award
Street Yoga Certified
Mataji has been practicing Kundalini Yoga for 54 years and teaching for 50. Her roots are
deep in the practice as she is committed to the profound science and teachings of Kundalini
Yoga. She is dedicated to offering the teachings to assist others in discovering the truth in their
heart and their true self. She feels strongly that these teachings should be available to all
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is know as the Yoga of Awareness. It allows you to connect with your higher
conciseness and the teacher within. It is an ancient art and science dealing with the
transformation and expansion of consciousness. The Classes include postures to increase
mental clarity, physical strength, flexibility & vitality. Meditations to clear negative patterns.
Conscious breathing to calm your body and focus your mind. Ending with a deep relaxation. All levels are welcome.

Sunny Greycloud Sampson
Intuitive Body Work/Reiki
Tarot Readings, Owl Deck
Clairaudio - Life Coaching
Master Percussionist/Lessons
Hello everyone! I’m Sunny. I have been many things in my life, including: A soldier, a photographer, a massage therapist, a mental health and substance abuse technician, a social worker, a musician, an actor writer director, and now, finally, a healer. As Whoppi Goldberg would say, “He been around…”
Since childhood, I have been aware and been able to communicate, sometimes, with “leftover energies” of people who have passed away but not left this plane.
On only rare occasions, I have been aware of an energy of someone who did leave but came back to visit because of some significant event. Never have I successfully called anything back upon request by the living. According to family
lore, my mother had “ESP”, and based on my skeptic conservative father’s statements, had abilities very similar to mine, but no other relatives have to my knowledge.
I understand today that this “gifts” are common amongst females of Cherokee descent. I believe these “little birds whispering in my ears” as my
mother called them before I understood what she meant, are the primary source of my intuitive knowledge and insight.
Additionally, it has come to my attention that I embody the “divine feminine” which might explain how these abilities which are normally inherited mother to daughter have come to me.
The only thing I know for sure is that I have never felt “normal” and that I always knew that I would someday end up as a healer. I have avoided it as much as Sunny Greycloud Sampson possible and for as long as possible, and now it seems I have no other choice. I have spent my whole life waiting to feel ready to step into this destiny.
It seems circumstances have helped me learn that I will never feel ready and I simply need to take the plunge! Luckily, the Blue Feather pool was waiting for me!

Laura Berlin
Certified Somatic Yoga Instructor
Tarot Reader
Laura Berlin has several offerings for the Blue Feather community.
Laura has been a tarot reader for 30 years. She will be happy to help you examine your energies and where they are guiding you in the future. Laura also has a 200 hour yoga certificate and will be teaching a Sunday evening somatic reset yoga class.
Resinescence is a creative jewelry venture by Laura Berlin. Laura's unique jewelry creations feature earth energies found in seeds and stones with steampunk fusion components.

Annette Talley-Bailey
Annette is a Channel, Reiki Energetics Master, Medium, and Aromatherapy Educator
Annette Talley-Bailey has been an East Mountain resident since 1993. She and her husband raised their three children here. Annette is a Channel, Reiki Energetics Master, Medium, and Aromatherapy Educator. She has over 30 years of classroom teaching experience and for eight years owned and ran a small private school.
Annette has been talking to her angels since she was a toddler. As she grew up, her angels and guides kept her company. Eventually, teaching, marriage, and raising a family became more important than communing with Mary-El.
Annette rediscovered her connection to angels 25 years ago in a healing class. Later she trained in the Orion Technologies and began channelling her guide, Mary-El. In channelling one opens Divine Wisdom and allows the body (voice) to speak. It is not Annette speaking, but one of her guides! The love of her guides is evident and often healing to her clients.
Becoming a Reiki healer and Master was a next logical step. Her healing is Reiki Energetics. Her team of Divine have helped her develop this healing energy. Simply, it is being the conduit for the Reiki healing of Universal Life Energy to flows through her to the clients, removing the dis-ease and putting in healing. Essential oils are used.
Annette also trains under an internationally known medium to hone her mediumistic ability.
When you are ready to experience healing through channeling, medium reading, or Reiki Energetics schedule a session with Annette.
Sessions are 60-75 minutes in duration.
Cost per session: $93.00

Linda Sofia
Certified Yoga Instructor
Linda is a firm believer in the multitude of benefits yoga provides. She received her 200-hour yoga teacher certification in 2018 and began teaching yoga for 6 years with seniors at a local gym. In February 2024, she experienced a setback due to knee surgery.
Since then, she’s practiced to recover and has decided to bring her modified approach back to her students who often hear one of her most popular mantras… “strength, flexibility, and balance.” Soothing the nerves and calming the mind, increasing mobility, and relieving pain are of prime importance to maintaining (or beginning to maintain) a healthy body, mind, and soul. Her practice focuses on hatha (gentle movement), chair yoga, use of weights, and strengthening exercises.
Linda has been practicing yoga, as life allows, since college. In her early years, yoga served as anxiety relief during difficult times. During childbearing years, she picked up practicing again to help with her 3 natural childbirths. Linda considers herself a “late bloomer” and, at the age of 49, went back to school to become a teacher of children with special needs. After retirement, she felt she wanted to reinvent herself and she returned to school to become a certified yoga instructor. Yoga, and all its benefits, have consistently been part of her life.
When she’s not teaching yoga, Linda’s four grandchildren, camping with her horses, gardening, and socializing with friends fills her time.
Linda’s passion for teaching yoga comes through with every class she teaches!

Lisa Andra
Certified Reiki Levels I and II, Inner-Speak, Kundalini Yoga and Pregnancy Yoga
Who am I? A lover of all that is, mother, healer, mystic, and dreamer. I have walked many different paths in life, including the academic and corporate worlds. One thing has been consistent through my life - the ability to hear and communicate intuitively with animals. My specialty is sharing the specific soul messages animals have for their human companions, so as to guide their beloved humans along their souls' paths.
I offer animal communication sessions in-person or remotely, and incorporate other modalities to support your animal companion(s) and you as needed. Other modalities include light code activations, Inner-Speak soul transformation sessions, Reiki, and H.E.A.L. Dowsing sessions featuring therapeutic essential oils.

Johanna Rader
Astrologer, Hula Hoop Artist, Certified Hoop Love Coach, Screenwriter, Flow Researcher, Founder of the Albuquerque Astrology Group
Johanna discovered the magic and healing power of Astrology at the young age of 10, and was allowed to freely study her passion along with creative writing, Greek mythology and Shakespeare.
After coping with a series of traumatic events during her first Chiron Square, astrology opened the door to allowing her to truly feel SEEN and accepted for who she was.
After graduating college & becoming a single mom at 24, she started her own hula hoop store on Etsy, designing and selling hoops at local craft fairs and music festivals. It was then that the synchronicity and magic of astrology intersected with the circle of hoop.
During her 1st Saturn Return, Johanna discovered Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of Flow Psychology, and become obsessed with the overlapping connection to flow arts (hooping), and began to research everything from the biomechanics of movement, flow neuroscience, happiness studies, culture & creativity, physics of synchronicity, Jungian archetypes and eventually came up with her overarching theory: How the embodiment of astrology through hula hooping was a way to get in flow with energy of the universe, or what she calls “Asto-Flow.”
Her approach to astrology is truly unique, blending Modern and Traditional techniques with flow studies, and hula hoop art. She has studied at the Radical Compassion Institute (Embodied Presence), mentored with Anne Ortelee through the Organization of Professional Astrology, was nominated for the Most Promising Astrologer in 2018, and is a certified Hoop Love Coach.
An active astrologer since 2017, her specific astrological skills are in Draconic Astrology, Chiron Returns, the Galactic Center, Annual Profections, ZR, Solar Returns, Secondary Progressions, Solar Arcs and Transit Planning.
She offers services and products at both Blue Feather Healing Center in Edgewood & Resonant Essentials Esoteric School of Metaphysics (REESM) in Albuquerque, where she facilitates the Albuquerque Astrology Group once a month.
Ask her about her signature service: Astro-Flow Consultation with Hoop Art!
Linda Latimer
Mat & Reformer Pilates
Certified by Balanced Body
Linda lives in the Village of Tijeras with her husband Mark and dog Roxie. She loves living in New Mexico because nature is her happy place. Another happy place is Pilates, teaching over 20 years.
Linda started in the fitness industry as a spin instructor, then a yoga teacher certified by Yoga Fit and Personal Trainer with ACE.
She teaches both Mat and Reformer Pilates certified by Balanced Body. Linda is happy to be presenting Pilates to the community at Blue Feather Healing.
Questions: Text Linda at 713-553-7526
Susan Deleo
Quantum Soul/Galactic Astrologer
From an early age I spent time in the woods connecting with nature spirits and making stone
circles. There I found solace and deep spiritual communion. I felt the most alive and free
connecting to elements of the natural and unseen worlds.In my teens I began studying Astrology, Music and Transcendental Meditation to help cope with being a sensitive soul.
After becoming an RN I realized that traditional Western medicine was limiting and I became a
Registered Polarity Therapist after studying with Nancy Risley in MA. I also studied and
practiced other ancient healing traditions such as Shamanic journeying, Yoga Nidra and
Vibrational healing with crystals and sound. I attended art school in Boston and draw upon my
spiritual experiences to inform my work as an experimental filmmaker and musician.
I have always been drawn to the Southwestern part of the US and decided to move in late 2021
from the East Coast where I had lived all my life. There is a beauty and mysticism in the land
here that encourages an expansion of consciousness. I spend a lot of time in the desert hiking and immersing myself in this amazing high vibrational landscape. Recently I was certified as a Quantum Soul/Galactic Astrologer through Julia Balaz’s amazing Course which is an incredibly powerful way to understand ones galactic roots and connections to the Cosmos that inform our lives. I am now offering Soul guided astrology as well as Energy healing in my practice.
I am excited to share my experience in the Healing arts and Astrology to help others on their soul’s journey.