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Choosing Your Perspective: Finding Calm in Chaos and Violence


In this time of the constant barrage of chaos and violence that we are ingesting, remember to utilize your ability too see the point of view reference you are in.

Are you the victim, perpetrator, witness or the observer?

As there may be none of us who were in attendance at the rally yesterday. Some will react as if they are victims of the event. Some will wear the coat of the perpetrator, supporting the violence. Others are witnessing in fear. Lost in the anxiety of the stream of chaos.

And then there are those who will take the position of the observer. To go inside and ask the question. What am I to garner from this moment? What am I to learn from this that will bring the tension level down and help soothe the fear, the anger and anxiety?

This is the question I pose to myself, and anyone reading this.

Which of these perspectives are you sitting in right now? And are you able to move into the observer? Working to heal the rift in our world of duality and the things that are chosen to separate us.

The free will of this decision is upon us all…

Blessings, Love & Light...

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