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Embracing the Mystic Within: The Journey of Self-Resurrection


At some point in our lives, the mystics come knocking. Sometimes they whisper in our dreams, sometimes they crash through like a tidal wave, demanding our attention. Some of us welcome them, embracing the unknown with open arms. Others resist, numbing the call with distractions, substances, or rigid structures designed to keep us safely in place. And then, there are those who dive deep, willingly or not, into the abyss of their own soul’s reckoning—the dreaded "dark night" that strips us bare before offering rebirth.

Life is relentless in its questioning. Every day, without fail, it asks: Are you willing to be annihilated today, so that you may be resurrected into the highest version of yourself tomorrow?

This is the challenge. This is the dream.

Mastery Over the Self...

In every breath, I am tested. In every choice, I am called to mastery—over my fears, my doubts, my self-imposed limitations. The universe is unyielding in its lesson plan, presenting me with a singular question, over and over again:

Who is in need of my forgiveness?

Who is in need of my strength?

Who is in need of my highest regard?

And the answer, no matter how often I search elsewhere, is always the same: Me.

For when I fully show up for myself—when I truly honor the sacred within—I become capable of something extraordinary. I become a vessel for Spirit. A guide. A teacher. A human and a divine force in the same breath. And in that energy, I can move mountains—not just metaphorically, but in the lives of those around me. I can rewrite the narratives of pain, transform destruction into creation, and remind others that healing is not only possible, but inevitable when we surrender to it.

The Courage to Shine...

Marianne Williamson once said, “There is nothing enlightening about making oneself small so that others do not feel insecure around you.” And yet, how often do we dim our light for fear of making someone else uncomfortable? How often do we bite our tongues, suppress our truth, or soften our edges because we worry that being fully ourselves will be too much for someone else to handle?

But here’s the thing—our relationships, our connections, our very existence on this planet grants us permission to be dynamic, unapologetically deep, and fully alive. The universe did not create us to be small. It expects us to take up space, to be loud with our truth, to step forward with all the power and wisdom we have cultivated through our struggles and our victories alike.

The Path of the Mystic...

The challenge laid before us is clear: open up to the movement of Spirit. Let Divine guidance carve the map. Quiet the mind so that we can hear the angels whispering through the chaos. Stop drowning ourselves in the distractions we use to avoid our own shadows—alcohol, drugs, deceit, projection, or the endless excuses that keep us from stepping into our power.

It is time.

It is time to love ourselves enough to be ourselves. To stop playing small. To stop hiding behind our wounds. To embrace the mystic within and rise, again and again, into the highest version of who we are meant to be.

The world is waiting for us to remember who we are.

Are you ready?

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